
Fall 2022 - White Horses! 

In White Horses, we will learn preschool concepts* like the first half of the alphabet (letter recognition, phonetic sound, and ASL signs), colors, counting, patterns, up & down, and parts of the body. Songs with horse and Old West themes will help teach children the musical concepts that are central to all Sound Beginnings semesters - the major scale, solfege syllables and hand signs, ear training, echoing, classical music and form, rhythm and steady beat, and beginning notation. Our semester instrument is the ankle jingles. 

Spring 2023 - Silver Buttons!

In Silver Buttons, we will learn the second half of the alphabet, shapes, sorting and classifying, days of the week, and even some French! Instead of the major scale, this semester we'll talk about the DO pentatonic scale. We will also reinforce all of the musical concepts learned in all Sound Beginnings semesters, using songs, dances, and activities unique to Silver Buttons. Our semester instrument is the triangle.

*All semesters of Sound Beginnings teach early literacy concepts (left to right tracking, name recognition, concepts of print, comprehension), fine and gross motor skills, and have a huge emphasis on parent/child bonding.