
which class should I take.png

Registration for 2025-26 classes begins in March!

“Which class is best for my child?”

This is a question I get a lot, maybe more than any other. And I always appreciate parents asking - after all, this is a possibly-years-long commitment and investment of time and effort, and you want to make sure you’re making the right choice for both you and your child. I hope the following information will help you find your answer, but as always, if you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Sound Beginnings - Ages 0-5

Sound Beginnings is a 30-minute once a week class for babies to preschool-age children and their adult caregiver. We study kindergarten skills (ABCs, colors, shapes, days of the week, etc) as well as musical skills (solfège, major scales, pitch matching, stead beat, etc). It’s a delightful class, and I highly recommend it before starting Let’s Play Music, thought it is by no means a prerequisite. Registration is per semester, and semesters can be taken in any order. Read more about Sound Beginnings here!

Fall 2025 Sound Beginnings (White Horses) classes begin August 19th

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Wednesdays at 9:30am, 10:30am, and 11:30am

Thursdays at 9am and 10am

Times are tentative - please refer to the enrollment page for the most updated schedule/availability.

  • Classes are 30 minutes long. Tuition is $225/semester, and each additional sibling is $45/semester.
  • Materials are $35/semester (see full list of materials here). Students will need to make a one-time purchase of a Sound Beginnings tote bag ($8) the first semester they register that can then be used in subsequent semesters.

***Parents of 4-year-olds - please scroll to the bottom of this page to read about the differences between Sound Beginnings and Let’s Play Music for guidance on picking the class that is best for your child next year.

Let’s Play Music - Ages 4-6 (starting age)

Let’s Play Music is a fun, active, and comprehensive music education and theory course for your child. Students begin at age 4-6 and graduate three years later. This program solves the problem that a child is most ready to learn music at an early age, but their fingers and letter skills are often not yet ready. We take full advantage of the brain’s ability to absorb musical concepts and teach skills in an age-appropriate way. Solfège hand signs, folk songs, games, imagination, and creativity are important components of each lesson. Registration for Let’s Play Music is for a full school year, and the six semesters must be taken in order. Read more about Let’s Play Music and see a brief 3-year overview of the program here!

Year 1 - Red Balloons/Blue Bugs: Preparation for the Keyboard (ages 4-6)

Skills taught: Students are introduced to the lines and spaces of the staff, sing the major scale using solfège syllables and hand signs, learn to keep a steady beat, match pitch using a minor 3rd interval, play melodies and ostinati on tone bells, learn the three primary chords on the autoharp, subdivide beats, read rhythmic notation patterns, distinguish major and minor tonalities, read steps and skips on the staff to play on their tone bells, and much more!

2025-26 Year 1 classes are on Tuesdays at 3:15pm, 4:15pm, and 5:30pm beginning August 12th

  • Classes are 45 minutes long. Tuition is $350/semester ($700/year) for students enrolling for the first time for the 2025-26 school year. This includes a $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit paid upon enrollment.
  • Parents attend class every other week (no siblings not enrolled in the class, please).
  • Materials are $91 for the first child and $25 for subsequent children.

Year 2 - Green Turtle Shells/Yellow Arrows: Introduction to the Keyboard (ages 5-7)

*Prerequisite: Students must complete the first year of Let’s Play Music to enroll in Year 2.

Skills taught: Students are introduced to the keyboard, learn C Position/Middle C Position, identify and play intervals (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th), play primary cadences on the keyboard, accompany themselves on the keyboard as they sing, play keyboard in contrary and parallel motion, play the major scale, sing in harmony, learn more complex rhythmic notations, begin learning the names of the notes on the staff, learn all of the names of the white keys on the keyboard, and much more!

2025-26 Year 2 classes are on Wednesdays at 3:15, 4:15, and 5:30pm beginning August 20th 

  • Classes are 50 minutes long, and tuition remains the same as it was in Year 1 including a $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit upon enrollment.
  • Students need to have at least a 61-key keyboard to practice on at home (information is emailed during Year 1 so families have plenty of time to prepare for this).
  • Parents attend class five times per semester (roughly once a month).
  • Materials are $72 for the first child and $42 for subsequent children.

Is my child ready to move on to the next level of LPM?

There may be times when a student needs to repeat a year to have more time to better understand the concepts and develop the skill set to thrive at the next level. This is a decision that I leave up to the discretion of the parents. However, if you are questioning whether or not your child should move on, please tell to me and we can discuss your individual situation. If your child does end up needn’t to repeat, rest assured that the time your child has spent in class has not been time wasted. All music exposure and participation in any way is beneficial and will help the development of complete musicianship skills.

Hi, parents of 4-year-olds!

If your child is four years old (or will be before August 1st), they are old enough to begin the amazing Let’s Play Music program! You may be wondering whether to enroll in Sound Beginnings or Let’s Play Music, since I accept 4-year-olds in both programs. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Whichever program you choose, all musical exposure and participation in any way is beneficial and will help develop inner musicianship. So you can’t go wrong!
  2. Finger dexterity - Can your child hold a pencil correctly, “3” on their fingers the right way (“W” shape), and write their name? If yes, their fingers are ready. In Year 2 of Let’s Play Music, the children will begin playing the keyboard/piano in class and at home. With consistent practice, I’ve seen even the smallest students be able to develop quite amazingly at the piano. But the to move their fingers independently is a must.
  3. Class length - Let’s Play Music is 45 minutes the first year and Sound Beginnings is 30 minutes.
  4. Parent attendance - In Let’s Play Music a parent/caregiver attends every other week the first year. In Sound Beginnings a parent/caregiver attends every week. If your child is still struggling to be away from you, this is definitely something to consider.
  5. Parent involvement - In addition to attending class, participating with your child, and listening to the music on the app together, both programs have activities to do with your child at home to enhance learning. In Sound Beginnings these activities are optional. In Let’s Play Music, at-home activities and practicing are required for success. Year 1 students practice the tone bells at least once a week and complete a simple theory assignment. By the end of Let’s Play Music, students will be practicing the piano 20-30 minutes per day. Don’t worry - we work up to this very gradually! Younger students tend to need more committed parents and may need their parent to sit with them at practice sessions several times a week.
  6. Tuition - Year 1 tuition is $350/semester for students enrolling for the first time for the 2025-26 school year. Sound Beginnings is $225/semester (each addition sibling is $45/semester). In Let’s Play Music, siblings must be the right age for the class and must pay full tuition. I cannot offer family-rate pricing for Let’s Play Music classes. 
  7. Commitment - In Let’s Play Music, it is anticipated that your child will remain enrolled in the studio throughout the full three years. Sound Beginnings is a commitment for one semester only.
  8. Student age - If your child turns four in May-July of this year, I would recommend Sound Beginnings for another year. There are actually some parents who prefer to start their children at age 5 in LPM because they will be able to play at a higher level more easily by the time they complete the program. However, maybe your goal is for your child to gain musicality and an excellent foundation before moving on to another instrument or to a favorite private piano teacher. Either way is great - the first year of LPM is designed for 4, 5, and 6-year-olds!
  9. Kindergarten readiness - I like for my Year 2 Let’s Play Music students to be in kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade. So if you are planning on waiting a year to enroll your child in school, I would also recommend you wait a year to enroll your child in Let’s Play music. Students need to be in 1st-3rd grade when they graduate from the 3-year program.
  10. You know your child best! So if you think they would have a hard time in a more mature class where parents only attend half of the time, then by all means - enroll in Sound Beginnings for another year! If your child is excited about playing the piano and learning at a higher level, then Let’s Play Music may be the best choice.

I hope this has been helpful. If you still have questions about your individual circumstances, please reach out. I’m so excited to teach your child music, whichever program you choose! I truly love all of my students, and I appreciate your trust in me to teach your child.


Miss Steph